“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials…” - James 1:2
Today is not a birthday celebration, but an actual birth day celebration! I spent a great weekend in Branson with all the wonderful families at Shelterwood at our semi-annual Family Retreat, then jumped in the car, drove through Fayetteville to pick up Eric and we made the drive to Amarillo. We arrived last night.
Elizabeth, my daughter’s, due date for her first child was last Wednesday and the pregnancy has gone well, but now she is overdue, so today they’ll induce and her baby will enter the world soon. Mark and Elizabeth will be a mommy and daddy! We’re sitting in the waiting room at the hospital this morning waiting.
And a new life begins. As a grandpa, I selfishly pray her life is a life of peace and rest with no pain whatsoever. But is a prayer of ease and comfort really the best prayer for Reese? Is it the best prayer for anyone? I often catch myself wishing for a life that’s easy. Deep down, I attempt to control my world to produce the least amount of pain possible. I’m simply following the world’s lead- remotes so I don't have to get up, wireless so I don’t have to plug in, cell phones so I don't have to wait, ATM’s so I don't have to go inside. All these things are fine, but when comfort becomes my expectation for life, problems arise.
Truth is, a life fulfilled is not a life of comfort. Reese has been so comfortable the past 9 months. No pain. All comfort. Today begins a wonderful life for her. But it will be a life of trial, challenge and yes, growth. “If you’re ripe, you’ll rot; if you’re green, you’ll grow.” A life ripe and easy is a life that is stagnant. Growth is always a by-product of planting, tilling, pruning and harvest. We learn little when life is easy.
Yep. I’m changing my prayer for Reese to a prayer for growth. I’m not asking for ease, but I am asking for our comforting Lord to produce growth in her life and for Him to be with her every step of the way. You bet, I’m still going to spoil her with anything she wants! But I know God will provide for her every need far above any toy I can provide.
So, happy birth day Reese. Great job Elizabeth and Mark. But most of all, way to go God! You’ve created a beautiful child and we can't wait to see her soon!
By Joseph Staples ©
You said, "when comfort becomes my expectation for life, problems arise." I needed to hear that today. Thank you.
Congratulations on your new grandbaby!
Praise God & Congratulations!
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