“in love…show yourself to be an example” -1 Tim. 4:12
Jeanie’s father, Burton Beadle, has been my father-in-law for 29 years. He is 89 years young and is a tremendous man for a lot of reasons, but mostly because he is a gentle man who loves deeply. Many say they love, but Papa Beadle puts action behind his love and care for family.
When Elizabeth was a freshman in high school, she went out for track that Spring, like most of her friends. She jumped hurdles in junior high and was pretty good, but after the first meet of her freshman year, coach had heard she was a gymnast and asks her to try pole vaulting. She caught on quickly, and the next thing we knew, she medaled at district’s and sectional’s and earned a trip to the State meet in Jefferson city. Now Papa loves Elizabeth and loves track (himself a decorated senior Olympics track medalist), but I think there was a scheduling conflict with the State meet. But I’ll never forget the call the week of the meet when Papa let us know he’d be coming anyway. Granny, Jeanie’s mom, had to stay in Baton Rouge for a previous engagement, but Papa jumped in the car by himself and made the long drive to Branson to go to the meet with us. But we all knew he came for one reason: to show Elizabeth how much he loved her. He didn’t just say he loved her, but he showed it by his actions. The attached picture is of Papa and Elizabeth hugging after Elizabeth received her All-State medal. I always thought Papa deserved a medal too that day for making the long drive and for putting love into action.
He has repeated that scenario over and over through the years, driving up with Granny for Eric’s State Golf tournament, numerous events, Eric’s graduation from college, etc. He’s shown that same love for his other kids, and grandkids. He simply makes the choice to love.
Growing up in a large family in Lafayette, Louisiana, Burt Beadle learned early the importance of faith and family. After serving his country in the United States Navy, he became an engineer by trade. He spent his life working with Kaiser Aluminum/Chemicals and being a loving husband and father to his family. During Jeanie’s gymnastics career, Mr. Beadle traveled to most of her meets all over the U.S. In California, Connecticut, and Colorado, he was her rock during many stressful gymnastics meets. Jeanie recalled many special trips that they took together.
Like most men of integrity and truth, loving is a lifestyle, not just a choice made for the big trips. I’ve observed Mr. Beadle living out the choice to love day-to-day in teaching Sunday school for 50 years, volunteering for various events and being quick to help a brother in need. Even at 89 years old, he continues to be other-centered, devoted to God’s will in His life and devoted to family.
Thank you Papa for your example. I was fortunate to have a father that I loved very much. He passed away 22 years ago. But I’m doubly fortunate to have another father that I respect and love deeply.
Thanks for your example to all of us. As we raise our families, may we make the same choices to put our love into action.
By Eric Joseph Staples ©
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