Jesus said to him, “The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” Luke 9:58
The one thing certain about life is that it’s uncertain. Life is always full of change: change in health, change in finances, change in location and change in family. Most of us parents are working hard to produce peace and security for our kids, but a part of our job description is teaching our kids how to deal with change. We need to be sure we’re teaching them that peace and security aren’t dependent upon things staying the same.
Jeanie and I just got back from helping some good friends pack the moving van. They have lived in Branson for a long time and are very dear friends of ours. The Lord has called them away from the Ozarks and they are excited. A new opportunity awaits them in Colorado and it will be great. Though we will miss them, their adventure will be awesome.
Brian, my brother-in-law, is a missionary in Botswana, Africa. In the 31 years he’s been away from home in various positions, he has lived in 31 different places. Why? Because the Lord has called him to 31 different locations. He loves the adventure and the change.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with living in the same place for years, but it depends. Jesus certainly didn't teach that we should strive to live on the same street where we were raised. He stressed that, to be a true disciple, we owe our allegiance to Him first, then to mom, dad and family.
Sometimes that allegiance to Him means we are to “go.” Sometimes it means we are to “stay.” The point is, He comes first.
Help your kids understand that moving is not “bad” or something to be avoided. Teach them that change, when initiated by the Lord, is exciting and stable- even more than staying put.
Growing up, our family moved a lot, especially my 3 older brothers when my dad was being transferred all over the country in the Air Force. All of us brothers were born in different places. My parents did an excellent job teaching us that moving is exciting and fun. I remember moving into new houses and loving the new bedrooms and yard. It took adjusting, but it was exciting.
Only God knows what course He has planned for our kids. Maybe they’ll live down the street. Or maybe they’ll live in China. We want them following God’s plan for their lives. Hard as it is, our plans for them may not be God’s plans for them.
Be sure you’re helping them grow through the trials and challenges of growing up. From childhood through the teenage years, there are so many physical and emotional changes. Help your kids see that life is about growing through change, not avoiding change.
Help your kids understand that no matter where they live, the love of family and faith are important.
Because they can live anywhere!
By Eric Joseph Staples ©
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