“Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you” -Heb. 13:5
The love of money. It’s the number one cause of marriage problems. It’s the number one cause of crime. It’s the number one cause of stress for most people. And it’s the number one opportunity to trust that a loving God will provide.
It’s post Christmas and most of us are paying the price (literally) for holiday travel and gift giving. Finances, budgets and money can be tense topics these days. Take the time to educate and teach your teens about money, how to manage resources and how to make financial decisions.
My daughter Elizabeth was watching the movie Wall Street and heard a great quote. The main character (who works on wall street) was talking to a big time billionaire and asks him, “What’s your number? The number that would be enough for you to walk away and feel content like you could survive for the rest of your life.” He replied, “More." Of course, money is like that. It’s like trying to grab water.
Go fill the sink with water. Now, put your hand in the sink and try to grab some water. It’s impossible to grasp. Money is like that. We try to grab wealth but it’s never enough. We never find peace with our accounts because how much money is enough? A little bit more.
I love the perspective of the writer of Proverbs in Chapter 30, verses 8 and 9. “Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is my portion,
that I not be full and deny You and say, “Who is the Lord?” Or that I not be in want and steal, and profane the name of my God.”
That’s the right view on money. God promises that He’ll provide what we need. And He always does if we follow His plan. Part of our problem is that we confuse our wants with our needs. Teach your kids the difference between the two. The truth is that most of us are very “full” and tend to deny the Lord.
Teach your kids that God promises to supply all our needs, if we yield to Him. Remind them that just as you supply for their needs, God supplies in the same way.
Start them on an allowance and instruct them on how to use their resources wisely. Remind them that the more they save, the more they have for a “rainy day.”
Educate them on the concept of tithing. Teach them that it's not about 10%, but about freely giving to God a portion of what He’s given them. Help them learn about giving to churches, missions and needs.
Finances are an important area of needed discipline and a necessary area of education to our kids. As always, it’s best for them to learn from our example.
Teach your kids that what God supplies through His resources and grace is just right, without needing “a little bit more.”
By Eric Joseph Staples ©
1 comment:
thank you that was very informative for me as a single parent please email that article to me at omosund@gmail.com thank u so much and May God continue to richly bless you!
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