This will be the last blog for 2011 as we enjoy the Holiday and focus on family. Merry Christmas!
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…” –Isa. 9:6
Adoption is a wonderful thing. Simply put, it’s the process of loving parents taking in a beautiful child to be a part of their family. Christmas is a wonderful thing too. Simply put again, it is the process of a loving God providing His Son, Jesus, so that we might be adopted into His heavenly family. God provided what we needed, but we have to make the choice to love Him in return. It’s seemingly an easy choice- why would anyone reject that kind of love? But many do.
Amy and Stephen, dear friends of ours, adopted a beautiful girl a few years ago. They were not able to get pregnant and were so excited to be parents of a beautiful baby girl. As they waited patiently for all the legalities to be finalized, Amy discovered she was pregnant. But they continued with the process and then embraced Karis as their own. Last year, they began the process of adopting Karis’ brother. The mom could not care for him and it seemed natural for the pair to be together.
But the adoption process was difficult. Another family was involved and the courts were slow to act. But Stephen and Amy were steadfast in their love. They never wavered in their determination to pursue and love that baby boy.
Finally, last week, the judge finalized the plan and signed the document to make the boy theirs. What a Christmas present! Stephen and Amy were rewarded for their determination and will be awesome parents. God too is steadfast in His love for us. It never wavers.
That’s why He gave us the gift of His Son Jesus. We’ll all experience a taste of that kind of love on Christmas day when we share gifts with one another. Though a shallow example of true grace, it’s a glimpse of God’s willingness to give. Picture a dad giving his son a special gift and the son turning to him and saying, “Thanks dad, but I don't want that gift. It’s not for me. Maybe it’s okay for someone else, but I don't need it.” Don't need it? What? Every kid loves to be given gifts. And nothing brings joy to a parent more than seeing their kids simply enjoying themselves.
God made the choice long ago to send His Son, His chosen Child. Perhaps God had several plans in place in case His created man decided to rebel against Him. But He knew that anything less than the sacrifice of His only Son couldn’t satisfy the requirement. God’s choice of His precious Son, Jesus, magnified Christmas and glorified God’s plan to send His Son to His death as a substitute for our sin. And it was all because of His choice. He chose to adopt us as His kids and He sealed the deal with the Cross.
We parents love our kids so much. They are the most important things in our lives. But our love pales in comparison to God’s love for us. He proved that once and for all by sending His Son, Jesus.
Thank you, Amy and Stephen, for your example of persistent and compassionate love. And thank you Heavenly Father for your persistent and unending love for us. This Christmas, may we all remember to look past the eggnog and mistletoe and say a sincere thank you to God for sending His one and only Son, Jesus.
No paperwork or courts are required, just the choice to believe.
By Eric Joseph Staples ©
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