Friday, May 11, 2012

The Rest of the Story

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” -Rom. 8:28
The “Rest of the Story” was a Monday-Friday radio program hosted by Paul Harvey that debuted during the Second World War. It was very popular, but after Harvey’s death in 2009, Doug Limerick was chosen as the show’s new host and the show lasted only 3 weeks. It’s seems the show needed Harvey’s deep voice and charm to succeed. The show featured “true mysteries from history.” It was intriguing because Harvey usually described a seemingly uneventful story from the past, followed by an ending punch line that explained its significance. Many times, it was the name of a famous person. The show was popular because we all like comeback stories. Comeback stories are a lot like the trials in our lives. It’s why we can “consider it all joy” when difficulties come our way. What initially seems meaningless eventually has purpose. Faith is trusting that God has a bigger and better plan in place. We may not know the ending, but just like that radio show, we wait expectantly for the punch line. Consider the challenges within our family. Eric finished college with an excellent GPA and resume’ to apply to medical school. But he didn't sense God’s release to move that direction. Elizabeth and Mark (and all of us) prayed fervently for a nearby location for their next home. But that location didn't work out. Jeanie found she had extra time on her hands, but wasn’t sure where to plug in. And I was led to move on from Doulos Ministries, but wasn’t sure where to go. If we had turned off the radio in the middle of the Paul Harvey show, we’d have never heard Paul’s conclusions to his stories. That was the best part! We needed to hear those endings to remind us that our stories have awesome endings too. They aren't usually what we expect, but, if we’re seeking God’s purpose, they are always for the best. Eric began a photo and video business in Nashville and loves it. Elizabeth and Mark are moving to Des Moines, Iowa and are excited for the adventure. Jeanie is working part time at a ministry in town and being used there, and I am the associate pastor at First Baptist Branson, discipling and counseling. What we all expected? No. Better than what we expected? Always. It’s safe to say that God’s plan is always better than what we’ve put together. From the big stuff to the small stuff, prayerfully let God have His way. And enjoy the rest of the story. GOOD DAY! By Eric Joseph Staples ©

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