“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth…”-Psalm 8:1
The majesty of it all,
God shouting from above;
The mountains are the message
Of His unending love;
The aspen and the pine trees
Flourish in the air,
They serve as a reminder
That a mighty God is there;
But it takes the time to notice,
Business numbs our sight;
We easily miss the obvious,
We easily miss the light;
So take your time and shake us,
Remind us who You are;
Keep us in the mountains,
Whether near or far;
We all need a purpose
In the valley where we go;
Keep the mountains in our hearts
And help us all to grow.
I wrote those words yesterday as I was sitting on Mt. Massive in Colorado. We were honoring Pel, my oldest brother, who passed away last spring. He requested that his ashes be spread on a 14er in the Rockies. He loved hiking and climbed over twenty 14ers when he lived in Colorado. So his three sons, Pell III, Scott and Alex, along with his three brothers, Marc, Bob, and myself made the trip determined to fulfill his wish. We all sensed that Pel was with us too.
The journey went well. We didn't quite make it all the way to the top of the mountain. But close to the top, we built Pel a monument out of rocks and honored his life. It was a beautiful and emotional time as we each spread a portion of his ashes on the monument. His sons did make the extra trek to the summit to throw the other portion of his ashes to the wind.
It turned out to be much more than a celebration of my dear brother…it was a celebration of God as well.
The day was absolutely beautiful. We’d heard that the next day, a cold front would be moving through, the temperature dropping and several inches of snow would fall. But for then, the setting could not have been more perfect. We hit the trailhead around 6:ooam as the sun was just rising in the east. The aspen were bright gold in the morning light and the pines were majestic. We passed several waterfalls and wildlife scurried everywhere.
God was shouting, "I am here and I am awesome. My child Pel is here with me, but you have more life to live. Trust me. Seek me. Admire me and my creation before you. Rest in my love and peace.
So we honored Pel. His legacy of dedication, love and passion will live on through his family. But we honored God as well. May we all continue to honor God every day of our lives.
Rest in peace Pel. We all love you.
And may we rest in Your peace, our Awesome God and Savior, all the days of our lives.
By Eric Joseph Staples ©
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