Monday, April 1, 2024

Helpful or Heartless Toward Others?

 Helpful or Heartless Toward Others?


This morning I was reading Oswald Chambers, in His devotional "My Utmost for His Highest,” and his message hit me hard. It always does! Please read below and I’ll finish with some powerful take-a-aways.

                                         Helpful or Heartless Toward Others?

                                            By Oswald Chambers April 1st


It is Christ…who also makes intercession for us….the Spirit…makes intercession for the saints… —Romans 8:34, 27

Do we need any more arguments than these to become intercessors– that Christ “always lives to make intercession” (Hebrews 7:25), and that the Holy Spirit “makes intercession for the saints?” Are we living in such a relationship with others that we do the work of intercession as a result of being the children of God who are taught by His Spirit? We should take a look at our current circumstances. Do crises which affect us or others in our home, business, country, or elsewhere, seem to be crushing in on us? Are we being pushed out of the presence of God and left with no time for worship? If so, we must put a stop to such distractions and get into such a living relationship with God that our relationship with others is maintained through the work of intercession, where God works His miracles.

Beware of getting ahead of God by your very desire to do His will. We run ahead of Him in a thousand and one activities, becoming so burdened with people and problems that we don’t worship God, and we fail to intercede. If a burden and its resulting pressure come upon us while we are not in an attitude of worship, it will only produce a hardness toward God and despair in our own souls. God continually introduces us to people in whom we have no interest, and unless we are worshiping God the natural tendency is to be heartless toward them. We give them a quick verse of Scripture, like jabbing them with a spear, or leave them with a hurried, uncaring word of counsel before we go. A heartless Christian must be a terrible grief to our Lord.

Are our lives in the proper place so that we may participate in the intercession of our Lord and the Holy Spirit? 


To those who have had no agony Jesus says, “I have nothing for you; stand on your own feet, square your own shoulders. I have come for the man who knows he has a bigger handful than he can cope with, who knows there are forces he cannot touch; I will do everything for him if he will let Me. Only let a man grant he needs it, and I will do it for him.”
The Shadow of an Agony


Wow, God’s truth is God’s truth and SO powerful when He chooses to put His thoughts into mankind’s words. "Are our lives in the proper place so that we may participate in the intercession of our Lord and the Holy Spirit? 

Wow #2. We’re challenged to discern whether our lives “are in the proper place.” When we are in the proper place, we pour out His love to the people around us. 

Whether we like them or not, we love through His love for us. We show our love by making intercession for them and supporting them. 

May we all be intercessors this week from a full cup, for all those we 



By Eric Joseph Staples ©

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