Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Mixed Seasons


“…I’ve learned to be content in whatever circumstances I’m in…” -Phil. 4:11-13


Weather wise, we’re in that familiar Midwest gap between summer and fall. A cool breeze comes through in the morning but then the humidity and heat return in afternoon. The weather is consistently like that every year, though we act surprised when it happens. Today, I wear shorts and a T-shirt but tomorrow I might put on a sweater and jeans. 


We tend to freak out when the weather changes so much, but the truth is, it does this every year. September in the Ozarks is a mixture of cool and warm days. Just like the seasons changing, life is a mixture of ups and downs as well. We try so hard to make all the days “up” days, but life is a mixture of highs and lows. 


The amazing Bible says, in First Peter 4:12, “Don’t be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you as though some strange thing was happening to you…”. We all prefer certain kinds of weather, but truth is, there is super attractive, comfortable weather and there is unattractive and uncomfortable weather. My wife, Jeanie, is from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, home to hurricanes and warm, cozy weather. I am from Fort Worth, Texas, home to droughts and hot weather. Neither is right or wrong, but is what we’re both used to.


It's a lot like the seasons of life. Life is full of different seasons too. There are seasons full of beautiful springs and seasons full of bitter, cold winters. All the seasons are a necessary part of life, and how we navigate through those seasons makes all the difference. 


No area requires more seasonal maintenance than relationships. Maintenance is a good thing. No car has been invented that doesn’t require oil changes and tire rotations. That doesn’t mean the car is flawed- it just means that cars need regular maintenance to run at their best. Life is like cars. We need regular maintenance as well, in order to have healthy relationships with family and friends. 


Our challenge is to not be surprised at God’s plans for us. We can actually “Consider it all joy when we encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance” (James 1:2-4). We can trust that, even in difficulties, our wonderful God has a reason and a purpose. 


We may not know the reason for the season, but we can trust that God knows what is best for us. Choosing to rest in the knowledge that God is sovereign, loving, and has a good plan makes all the difference.


May we all be at peace no matter the season around us. We’re not Superman, so we have emotions and feelings, but we can rest in the knowledge that God is in control. May we embrace every season God brings our way. 


By Eric Joseph Staples ©

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